Try This: Dark Chocolate Fudge

Try This: Dark Chocolate Fudge

Looking for a CBD-infused sweet treat? Try This: Infused Dark Chocolate Fudge!   You’ll Need: 1/2 cup CR Balance coconut oil 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Salt to taste To Do: In a double broiler, whisk...
Try This: Honey Limeade

Try This: Honey Limeade

Looking for a CBD-infused cool drink? Try This: Infused Honey Limeade!   You’ll Need: 1 liter club soda 1 cup lime juice 1/2 cup warm water 1/2 cup white sugar 1/3 cup CR Honey Help To Do: Whisk sugar in water until dissolved. Add honey and lime juice and...
Try This: Hemp Coconut Coffee

Try This: Hemp Coconut Coffee

Looking for a CBD-infused caffinated drink? Try This: Infused Coconut Coffee!   You’ll Need: 1 cup of your favorite drip coffee 1/2 cup coconut milk 2 tsp CR Balance coconut oil Cinnamon Cayenne pepper Ground cloves To Do: Blend coffee and CR Balance with a...
Symptoms of PMS & Menopause

Symptoms of PMS & Menopause

Experiencing the symptoms of PMS and menopause can throw us off our game. Women are often referred to as the ‘heart of the family’. Regularly we are seen as the nurturing mother, hard-working single mom, caregiver to elderly parents, or a career-minded trailblazer (or...
Holistic Therapeutic Practices and CBD Use

Holistic Therapeutic Practices and CBD Use

Eastern medicines have placed their focus on finding natural remedies to illnesses and pain for centuries. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the third oldest form of medicine in the world. When you consider the thousands of years philosophies of mind-body balance...